This is the official website of The Downs Benefice Winchester, Hampshire.


Notices in brief...

For all the notices and more information, please see our Notices page

In Emergency 

The office is open during regular working hours, however if you need to contact a minister in an emergency, please call either:

Revd Kevin Rogers: 07584 162 594


Benefice Office: 07857 512 053

Further information about the phone line is available


Prayer Requests

If you have any prayer requests, for any concerns lying on your heart or to give thanks, please email the office on

All prayer requests will be made anonymous before being passed on  to our Prayer Team.

Parish Magazine Deadline

Copy for Feb/Mar edition of the Benefice Parish Magazine should be submitted by 12.00 noon - Friday 10th January.

Would you like to get married in the Downs Benefice?

Click on the photo to find out a little more and see our churches



The Church of England offers three Marriage Services:


Church of England - Weddings


Book of Common Prayer (1662) - In traditional language


Marriage Service from Common Worship 2000  [Open The Marriage] - In modern language, and reflecting the current Christian understanding of marriage. The Common Worship marriage service offers the most flexibility in the choice of readings and prayers, but in all three, you can be involved in choosing hymns and other music, for the service.


Book of Common Prayer (Alternative Services: Series One) - A modified version of the Book of Common Prayer service, (1966)