This is the official website of The Downs Benefice Winchester, Hampshire.

Sunday Services

Current Month

Sunday Services for February


Services for Sunday 2nd February

Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas)

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
10am (Cr) Holy Communion
4pm (Li) Café Church (in the Church Room)

Services for Sunday 9th February

Fourth Sunday before Lent

10am (Li) Family Communion
10am (Wh) Morning Prayer

Services for Sunday 16th February

Third Sunday before Lent

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Worship
6pm (Li) Benefice Service of Peace and Wholeness

Services for Sunday 23rd February

Second Sunday before Lent

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Morning Worship
10am (Sp) Morning Worship
4pm (Ch) Bubble Church