This is the official website of The Downs Benefice Winchester, Hampshire.

Sunday Services

Previous Month(s)

Sunday Services for September


Services for Sunday 1st September

Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
10am (Cr) Holy Communion
4pm (Li) Café Church - in the Church Room

Services for Sunday 8th September

Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity

10am (Li) Littleton & Harestock Show Service - in the Show Marquee
11.30am (Ch) Airborne Forces Commemorative Service on the 80th Anniversary of Operation Market Garden - at Stonefield Park, Martins Lane, Chilbolton - following a parachute drop by The Red Devils at 10.45-11.00am

Services for Sunday 15th September

Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
11am (Cr) Harvest Festival and Baptism 
6pm (Li) Benefice Service of Peace and Wholeness

Services for Sunday 22nd September

Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Harvest Festival
10am (Sp) Pet Service

Services for Sunday 29th September

Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity

10am (Ch) Benefice 5th Sunday Family Communion

Sunday Services for August


Services for Sunday 4th August

Tenth Sunday after Trinity

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
10am (Cr) Holy Communion
10am (Sp) Morning Worship with Baptism
4pm (Li) Café Church - in the Church Room

Services for Sunday 11th August

Eleventh Sunday after Trinity

10am (Li) Family Communion
10am (Wh) Morning Prayer

Services for Sunday 18th August

Twelfth Sunday after Trinity

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Worship
6pm (Li) Benefice Service of Peace & Wholeness

Services for Sunday 25th August

Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Morning Worship
10am (Sp) Morning Worship with Baptism

Sunday Services for July


Services for Sunday 7th July

Sixth Sunday after Trinity

10am (Ch) Morning Worship with Baptism
10am (Cr) Morning Worship
4pm (Li) Café Church - in the Church Room

Services for Sunday 14th July

Seventh Sunday after Trinity

10am (Li) Family Communion
10am (Wh) Morning Prayer

Services for Sunday 21st July

Eighth Sunday after Trinity

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Worship
6pm (Li) Benefice Service of Peace & Wholeness

Services for Sunday 28th July

Ninth Sunday after Trinity

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Morning Worship 
10am (Sp) Morning Worship

Sunday Services for June


Services for Sunday 2nd June

The First Sunday after Trinity

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
10am (Cr) Holy Communion
4pm (Li) Café Church (in the Church Room)

Services for Sunday 9th June

The Second Sunday after Trinity

10am (Li) Family Communion
10am (Wh) Morning Prayer

Services for Sunday 16th June

The Third Sunday after Trinity

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Worship
6pm (Li) Benefice Service of Peace and Wholeness

Services for Sunday 23rd June

the Fourth Sunday after Trinity

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Morning Worship
10am (Sp) Morning Worship

Services for Sunday 30th June

The fifth Sunday after Trinity

10am (Li) Benefice 5th Sunday Family Communion

Sunday and Special Services for May


Services for Sunday 5th May

The Sixth Sunday of Easter

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
10am (Cr) Holy Communion
5pm (Li) Café Church (in the Church Room)

Services for Thursday 9th May


8am (Li) Holy Communion (followed by breakfast in the Church Room)

Services for Sunday 12th May

The Seventh Sunday of Easter

10am (Li) Christian Aid Morning Worship
10am (Wh) Pet Service

Services for Sunday 19th May

Pentecost / Whit Sunday

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Worship
6pm (Li) Benefice Peace & Wholeness Service
6pm (Wh) Spring Reflections - Angels

Services for Sunday 26th May


8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Morning Worship
10am (Sp) Morning Worship


Sunday Services for April

Services for Sunday 7th April

The Second Sunday of Easter

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
10am (Cr) Holy Communion
4pm (Li) Café Church (in the Church Room)

Services for Sunday 14th April

The Third Sunday of Easter

10am (Li) Family Communion
10am (Wh) Morning Prayer
6pm (Wh) Spring Reflections - Joan of Arc

Services for Sunday 21st April

The Fourth Sunday of Easter

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Worship

Services for Sunday 28th April

The Fifth Sunday of Easter

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Morning Worship
10am (Sp) Morning Worship with Baptism

Sunday and Special Services for March

Services for Sunday 3rd March

The 3rd Sunday of Lent

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
10am (Cr) Holy Communion
4pm (Li) Café Church - in the Church Room

Services for Sunday 10th March

Mothering Sunday

10am (Ch) Mothering Sunday Family Service
10am (Cr) Mothering Sunday Family Service
10am (Li) Mothering Sunday Family Service with Sparsholt School
10am (Sp) Mothering Sunday Family Service
10am (Wh) Mothering Sunday Family Service

Services for Sunday 17th March

Passion Sunday

8am (Sp) Holy Communnion - BCP
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Worship

Services for Sunday 24th March

Palm Sunday

8am (Wh) Holy Communion - BCP
10am (Li) Palm Sunday Service led by Donkey Procession
10am (Sp) Palm Sunday Service led by Donkey Procession

Services for Thursday 28th March


6pm (Sp) Holy Communion
tbc (Ch) Holy Communion and Agape

Services for Friday 29th March


10am (Cr) Easter Garden
12 Noon (Li) Good Friday Meditation
3pm (Wh) Good Friday Meditation - with Chilbolton

Services for Sunday 31st March


10am (Ch) Easter Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Easter Family Service
10am (Li) Easter Holy Communion
10am (Sp) Easter Holy Communion
10am (Wh) Easter Holy Communion

Sunday and Special Services for February

Services for Sunday 4th February

The Second Sunday before Lent

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
10am (Cr) Holy Communion
4pm (Li) Café Church - in the Church Room

Services for Sunday 11th February

Sunday Next before Lent

10am (Li) Family Communion
10am (Wh) Morning Prayer

Services for Wednesday 14th February


10am (Li) Holy Communion with Distribution of Ashes
12 Noon (Ch) Holy Communion with Distribution of Ashes - with Wherwell

Services for Sunday 18th February

The First Sunday of Lent

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Worship

Services for Sunday 25th February

The Second Sunday of Lent

8am (Wh) Holy Communion
10am (Li) Morning Worship
10am (Sp) Morning Worship


Sunday Services for January

Services for Sunday 7th January


10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
10am (Cr) Holy Communion
4pm (Li) Café Church (in the Church Room)

Services for Sunday 14th January

The Second Sunday of Epiphany

10am (Li) Family Communion
10am (Wh) Morning Prayer

Services for Sunday 21st January

The Third Sunday of Epiphany

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Worship

Services for Sunday 28th January

Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas)

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Morning Worship
10am (Sp) Morning Worship

Sunday and Special Services for December

Sunday 3rd December

First Sunday of Advent

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
10am (Cr) Holy Communion
10am (Li) Posada
5.30pm (Wh) Advent Carol Service - following Advent Fayre

Sunday 10th December

Second Sunday of Advent

10am (Li) Family Communion
10am (Wh) Carol Service
6pm (Sp) Carol Service
6pm (Wh) Autumn Meditations - Leonard Cheshire: decorated RAF pilot; philanthropist; 1917 - 1992

Wednesday 13th December

time tbc (Cr) Arqiva Carol Service

Thursday 14th December

6pm (Wh) Wherwell School Carol Service

Sunday 17th December

Third Sunday of Advent

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
4pm (Ch) Carol Service
6pm (Cr) Carol Service
6pm (Li) Carol Service

Sunday 24th December

Christmas Eve

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
4pm (Li) Crib Service
4pm (Sp) Crib Service
4pm (Wh) Crib Service - with Chilbolton
11.30pm (Sp) Midnight Service

Monday 25th December


10am (Ch) Christmas Family Service
10am (Cr) Christmas Family Service
10am (Li) Christmas Family Holy Communion
10am (Sp) Christmas Family Service
10am (Wh) Christmas Family Service

Sunday 31st December

First Sunday of Christmas

10am (Sp) Sung Holy Communion (BCP) - to celebrate Patronal Festival


Sunday and Special Services for November


Thursday 2nd November

All Souls' Day

6pm (Li) All Souls' Service

Sunday 5th November

The Fourth Sunday before Advent

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer with the Baptism of Grace & Rose Ellis
10am (Cr) Holy Communion with All Souls'
4pm (Li) Café Church (in the Church Room)

Friday 10th November


10.55am (Wh) Act of Remembrance with Wherwell School (at the War Memorial)

Saturday 11th November


10.55am (Li) Act of Remembrance (at the War Memorial)

Sunday 12th November

Remembrance Sunday

10.50am (Ch) Remembrance Service (with Wherwell)
10.55am (Cr) Remembrance Service (at the War Memorial)
10.55am (Sp) Remembrance Service (at the War Memorial)

Sunday 19th November

The Second Sunday before Advent

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion with REME
10am (Cr) Morning Worship

Wednesday 22nd November

10am (Li) Mid-Week Holy Communion


Sunday 26th November

Christ the King

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Sp) Morning Worship
11.15am (Li) Patronal Festival Service

Sunday Services for October


Services for Sunday 1st October

Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity

10am (Ch) Harvest Festival
10am (Cr) Holy Communion
4pm (Li) Café Church - in the Church Room

Services for Sunday 8th October

Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity

10am (Li) Family Communion
10am (Wh) Harvest Festival
6pm (Wh) Autumn Meditations

Services for Sunday 15th October

Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity

10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Worship
10am (Sp) Harvest Festival

Services for Sunday 22nd October

Twentieth Sunday after Trinity

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Morning Worship
10am (Sp) Morning Worship

Services for Sunday 29th October

Last Sunday aftert Trinity

10am (Li) 5th Sunday Benefice Holy Communion
6pm (Sp) All Souls' Service

Sunday Services for September


Services for Sunday 3rd September

Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
10am (Cr) Holy Communion
10am (Li) Littleton & Harestock Show Service - in the Show Marquee 

Services for Sunday 10th September

Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity

10am (Wh) Benefice Holy Communion - Leaving Service for Revd Jax - followed by refreshments

Services for Sunday 17th September

Fifteenth after Trinity

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
11am (Cr) Harvest Festival

Services for Sunday 24th September

Sixteenth after Trinity

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Harvest Festival
10am (Sp) Pet Service

Sunday Services for August

Sunday 6th August

The Transfiguration

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
10am (Cr) Holy Communion
4pm (Li) Café Church - in the Church Room

Sunday 13th August

Tenth after Trinity

10am (Li) Family Communion
10am (Wh) Morning Prayer with the Baptism of Rose and Ava Toland

Sunday 20th August

Eleventh after Trinity

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Worship

Sunday 27th August

Twelfth after Trinity

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Morning Worship
10am (Sp) Morning Worship

Sunday Services for July

Sunday 2nd July

Fourth Sunday after Trinity

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
10am (Cr) Holy Communion
4pm (Li) Café Church - in the Church Room

Sunday 9th July

Fifth Sunday after Trinity

10am (Li) Family Communion
10am (Wh) Morning Prayer

Sunday 16th July

Sixth Sunday after Trinity

8am (Sp) Holy Commuion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Worship

Sunday 23rd July

Seventh Sunday after Trinity

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Morning Worship
10am (Sp) Morning Worship

Sunday 30th July

Eighth Suday after Trinity

10am (Ch) Benefice 5th Sunday Holy Communion



Sunday 4th June

Trinity Sunday

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
10am (Cr) Holy Communion
4pm (Li) Café Church - in the Church Room

Sunday 11th June

First Sunday after Trinity

11am (B) Open-Air Benefice Communion - at Northwood Park - followed by picnic.
6pm (Wh) Spring Meditations - on the life of George Otter, Hampshire Churchman and Pilot.

Sunday 18th June

Second Sunday after Trinity

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Thanksgiving Service for the Fete - in the Marquee
10am (Cr) Morning Worship

Sunday 25th June

Third Sunday after Trinity

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Morning Worship
10am (Sp) Morning Worship

Sunday and Special Services for May

Sunday 7th May

Fifth Sunday of Easter

9.15am (Sp) Commemorative Prayers for the Coronation of King Charles III
10am (Ch) A service to mark the Coronation of King Charles III
10am (Cr) Holy Communion

Sunday 14th May

Sixth Sunday of Easter

10am (Li) Christian Aid Holy Communion Service
10am (Wh) Pet Service

Thursday 18th May


8am (Li) Holy Communion - followed by breakfast

Sunday 21st May

Seventh Sunday of Easter

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Worship
6pm (Wh) Spring Meditations - Sister Wendy Beckett

Sunday 28th May

Pentecost / Whit Sunday

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Morning Worship
10am (Sp) Morning Worship
6pm (Ch) Pentecost Evening Service


Sunday and Easter Services for April


Sunday 2nd April

Palm Sunday

10am (Ch) Palm Sunday Service
10am (Cr) Holy Communion
10am (Li) Palm Sunday Service with Donkey-led Procession
10am (Sp) Palm Sunday Service with Donkey-led Procession
  (Wh) With Chilbolton

Thursday 6th April


6pm (Sp) Holy Communion
6.30pm for 7pm (Ch) Commemoration of the Last Supper - Limited number of places - available from Lesley Kent

Friday 7th April


10am (Cr) Easter Garden
12 Noon (Li) Good Friday Meditation
3pm (Ch) Good Friday Meditation
  (Wh) With Chilbolton

Sunday 9th April


10am (Ch) Easter Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Easter Day Family Service
10am (Li) Easter Holy Communion
10am (Sp) Easter Holy Communion
10am (Wh) Easter Holy Communion


Sunday 16th April

The Second Sunday of Easter

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)

Sunday 23rd April

The Third Sunday of Easter

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Morning Worship - followed by APCM in Church Room
10am (Sp) Morning Worship
6pm (Ch) Desert Island Hymns
6pm (Wh) Spring Meditations - St John Henry Newman

Wednesday 26th April


10am (Li) Mid-Week Holy Communion

Sunday 30th April

The Fourth Sunday of Easter

10am (Wh) Benefice 5th Sunday Family Communion

Sunday Services for March


Services for Sunday 5th March

The Second Sunday of Lent

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
10am (Cr) Holy Communion
4pm (Li) Café Church (in the Church Room)

Services for Sunday 12th March

The Third Sunday of Lent

10am (Li) Family Communion
10am (Wh) Morning Prayer

Services for Sunday 19th March

Mothering Sunday

10am (Ch) Mothering Sunday Service 
10am (Cr) Mothering Sunday Service
10am (Li) Mothering Sunday Service
10am (Sp) Mothering Sunday Service
10am (Wh) Mothering Sunday Service
6pm (Wh) Spring Meditation Series - St Augustine of Hippo

Services for Sunday 26th March

Passion Sunday

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Morning Worship
10am (Sp) Morning Worship
6pm (Ch) Evening Prayer for Lent


Sunday 5th February

Third Sunday before Lent

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
10am (Cr) Holy Communion
4pm (Li) Café Church - in the Church Room

Sunday 12th February

Second Sunday before Lent

10am (Li) Family Communion with Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Ordination of Canon Bruce Kington
10am (Wh) Morning Prayer

Sunday 19th February

Sunday Next before Lent

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Worship
6pm (Li) Benefice Service of Peace and Wholeness

Wednesday 22nd February


10am (Li) Holy Communion with Distribution of Ashes

Sunday 26th February

First Sunday of Lent

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Morning Worship
10am (Sp) Morning Worship


Sunday Services for January


Services for Sunday 1st January

Naming of Jesus / Second Sunday of Christmas

10am (Sp) Patronal Festival - Sung BCP Holy Communion
5pm (Ch) New Year's Day Evening Prayer

Services for Sunday 8th January

Epiphany / Baptism of Christ

10am (Li) Family Communion
10am (Wh) Morning Prayer

Services for Sunday 15th January

Second Sunday of Epiphany

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Worship
6pm (Li) Benefice Service of Peace & Wholeness

Services for Sunday 22nd January

Third Sunday of Epiphany

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Morning Worship
10am (Sp) Morning Worship with Sparsholt School

Services for Sunday 29th January

Candlemas / Fourth Sunday of Epiphany

10am (Cr) Benefice 5th Sunday Holy Communion

Sunday and Christmas Services for December


Services for Sunday 4th December

Second Sunday of Advent

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
10am (Cr) Holy Communion

Services for Sunday 11th December

Third Sunday of Advent

10am (Li) Holy Communion
10am (Wh) Carol Service
4pm (Ch) Carol Service
6pm (Cr) Carol Service
6pm (Sp) Carol Service

Services for Sunday 18th December

Fourth Sunday of Advent

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Worship
6pm (Li) Carol Service

Services for Saturday 24th December

Christmas Eve

4pm (Ch) Crib Service (with Wherwell)
4pm (Li) Crib Service
4pm (Sp) Crib Service
11.30pm (Sp) Midnight Holy Communion Service

Services for Sunday 25th December


10am (Ch) Christmas Family Service
10am (Cr) Christmas Family Service
10am (Li) Christmas Holy Communion
10am (Sp) Christmas Family Service
10am (Wh) Christmas Family Service


Sunday and Special Services for November


Services for Wednesday 2nd November

All Souls' Day

6pm (Li) All Souls Service

Services for Sunday 6th November

Third Sunday before Advent

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
10am (Cr) Holy Communion with All Souls
4pm (Li) Café Church (in the Church Room)

Services for Friday 11th November

Remembrance Day

10.55am (Li) Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial
10.55am (Wh) Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial with the School

Services for Sunday 13th November

Remembrance Sunday

10.55am (Cr) Remembrance Service at the War Memorial
10.55am (Sp) Remembrance Service
10.55am (Wh) Remembrance Service at the War Memorial - with Chilbolton

Services for Sunday 20th November

Christ the King

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Worship
6pm (Li) Peace & Wholeness Service

Service for Sunday 27th November

First Sunday of Advent 

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Sp) Morning Worship
11.15am (Li) Patronal Festival Service
5pm (Ch) Advent Meditation Service
5.30pm (Wh) Advent Carol Service

Sunday Services for October


Services for Sunday 2nd October

Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity

10am (Ch) Harvest Festival
4pm (Li) Café Church (in the Church Room)

Services for Sunday 9th October

Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity

10am (Li) Holy Communion
10am (Sp) Harvest Festival
10am (Wh) Harvest Festival

Services for Sunday 16th October

Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion with REME
10am (Cr) Morning Worship
6pm (Li) Peace & Wholeness

Services for Sunday 23rd October

Last Sunday after Trinity

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Morning Worship
10am (Sp) Morning Worship

Services for Sunday 30th October

Fourth Sunday before Advent

10am (Cr) Holy Communion
3pm (Ch) All Souls Service - with Wherwell
6pm (Sp) All Souls Service

Sunday Services for September


Services for Sunday 4th September

Twelfth Sunday after Trinity

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
10am (Cr) Holy Communion
10am (Li) Show Service (in Show Marquee)

Services for Sunday 11th September

Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity

10am (Li) Holy Communion
10am (Wh) Morning Prayer - Patronal Festival

Services for Sunday 18th September

Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
11am (Cr) Harvest Festival
12 Noon (Ch) Airborne Forces Remembrance Service (at Stonefield Park)
6pm (Cr) Evening Prayers for the Queen

Services for Sunday 25th September

Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Harvest Festival
10am (Sp) Pet Service

Sunday Services for August


Services for Sunday 7th August

Eighth Sunday after Trinity

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
10am (Cr) Holy Communion
4pm (Li) Café Church (in the Church Room)

Services for Sunday 14th August

Ninth Sunday after Trinity

10am (Li) Holy Communion
10am (Wh) Morning Prayer

Services for Sunday 21st August

Tenth Sunday after Trinity

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Worship
6pm (Li) Peace & Wholeness Service

Services for Sunday 28th August

Eleventh Sunday after Trinity

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Morning Prayer
10am (Sp) Morning Worship

Sunday Services for July


Services for Sunday 3rd July

Third Sunday after Trinity

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
4pm (Li) Café Church - in Church Room

Services for Sunday 10th July

Fourth Sunday after Trinity

10am (Li) Holy Communion
10am (Wh) Morning Prayer

Services for Sunday 17th July

Fifth Sunday after Trinity

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Worship
6pm (Li) Peace & Wholeness Service

Services for Sunday 24th July

Sixth Sunday after Trinity

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Morning Prayer
10am (Sp) Morning Worship

Services for Sunday 31st July

Seventh Sunday after Trinity

10am (Cr) 5th Sunday Benefice Holy Communion

Sunday Services for June


Services for Sunday 5th June

Pentecost / Whit Sunday / Her Majesty the Queen's Platinum Jubilee

10am (Ch) Morning Service for the Jubilee
10am (Cr) Holy Communion

Services for Sunday 12th June


11am (Sp) Benefice Open-Air Service - followed by a BYO picnic - at Northwood Park

Services for Sunday 19th June

First Sunday after Trinity

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Worship
6pm (Li) Peace & Wholeness Service

Services for Sunday 26th June

Second Sunday after Trinity

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP
10am (Ch) Thanksgiving Service for the Fete - in the Marquee
10am (Li) Morning Prayer
10am (Sp) Morning Worship

Sunday Services for May


Services for Sunday 1st May

Third Sunday of Easter

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
4pm (Li) Cafe Church - in the Church Room

Services for Sunday 8th May

Fourth Sunday of Easter

10am (Li) Holy Communion - followed by APCM
10am (Wh) Pet Service

Services for Sunday 15th May

Fifth Sunday of Easter

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Worship
6pm (Li) Peace & Wholeness Service

Services for Sunday 22nd May

Sixth Sunday of Easter

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Christian Aid Service
10am (Sp) Morning Worship

Services for Thursday 26th May



7.30am (Li) Holy Communion - followed by breakfast in the Church Room

Sunday 29th May

Seventh Sunday of Easter


10am (Cr) Benefice 5th Sunday Holy Communion

Sunday and Easter Services for April


Services for Sunday 3rd April

Passion Sunday

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
10am (Cr) Holy Communion
4pm (Li) Cafe Church - in Church Room

Services for Sunday 10th April


10am (Li) Holy Communion with Donkey procession
10am (Sp) Palm Sunday Service with Donkey Procession
10am (Wh) Palm Sunday Service - with Chilbolton
6pm (Ch) Benefice Evensong to pray for Ukraine

Services for Thursday 14th April


6pm (Sp) Holy Communion with Foot Washing

Services for Friday 15th April


10am (Cr) Easter Garden
12 Noon (Li) Good Friday Meditation
3pm (Wh) Good Friday Meditation - with Chilbolton

Services for Sunday 17th April


10am (Ch) Easter Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Easter Family Service
10am (Li) Easter Holy Communion
10am (Sp) Easter Holy Communion
10am (Wh) Easter Family Service

Services for Sunday 24th April

The Second Sunday of Easter

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Morning Prayer
10am  (Sp) Morning Prayer

Wednesday 27th April


10am (Li) Holy Communion


Sunday and Special Services for March


Services for Wednesday 2nd March 


10am (Li) Holy Commuion with Ashes
12 Noon (Ch) Holy Communion with Ashes

Services for Friday 4th March

Women's World Day of Prayer

2pm (Ch) Women's World Day of Prayer Service

Services for Sunday 6th March

The First Sunday of Lent

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
10am (Cr) Holy Communion
4pm (Li) Cafe Church - in the Church Room

Services for Sunday 13th March

The Second Sunday of Lent

10am (Li) Holy Communion
10am (Wh) Morning Prayer
4pm (Ch) Evening Prayer for Lent

Services for Sunday 20th March

The Third Sunday of Lent

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Prayer

Services for Wednesday 23rd March


10am (Li) Holy Communion

Services for Sunday 27th March


10am (Ch) Family Service
10am (Cr) Family Service
10am (Li) Family Service
10am (Sp) Family Service
10am (Wh) Family Service


Sunday Services for February


Services for Sunday 6th February

The Fourth Sunday before Lent

10am (Ch) Morning Prayer to mark 70th Anniversary of HM The Queen's accession to the throne
10am (Cr) Holy Communion
4pm (Li) Cafe Church - in Church Room

Services for Sunday 13th February

The Third Sunday before Lent

10am (Li) Holy Communion
10am (Wh) Morning Prayer

Services for Sunday 20th February

The Second Sunday before Lent

8am (Sp) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Prayer

Services for Sunday 27th February

The Sunday next before Lent

8am (Wh) Holy Communion (BCP)
10am (Li) Morning Prayer
10am (Sp)  Morning Worship

Sunday Services for January


Services for Sunday 2nd January


10am (Ch) Morning Prayer
10am (Sp) Patronal Festival - Sung BCP Eucharist
4pm (Li) Cafe Church - in Church Room

Services for Sunday 9th January

The Baptism of Christ

10am (Li) Holy Communion
10am (Wh) Morning Prayer

Services for Sunday 16th January

The Second Sunday of Epiphany

10am (Ch) Holy Communion
10am (Cr) Morning Prayer
6pm (Li) Peace & Wholeness Service

Services for Sunday 23rd January

The Third Sunday of Epiphany

8am (Wh) Holy Communion
10am (Li) Morning Prayer
10am (Sp) Morning Prayer

Services for Sunday 30th January

The Presentation of Christ in the Temple - Candlemas

10am (Cr) Benefice 5th Sunday Holy Communion